Dana Cutler Weight Loss Transformation (Secrets Uncovered) (2024)

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Dana Cutler Weight Loss Transformation (Secrets Uncovered) (1)

Published by Lisa Lorraine Taylor, BSc, CPT | Staff Writer

Last updated: August 17, 2024

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American president-elect of the Missouri Bar and reality TV star Dana Cutler has recently become the center of attention due to her incredible weight loss transformation.

As a fitness trainer, I’m always inspired by stories like this and often use them to motivate my clients.

So, I teamed up with a group of dietitians and spent several weeks exploring Dana Cutler's weight loss journey, including the methods she used and the results she achieved.

Read on to learn what I found.

Table of Contents

How Did Dana Cutler’s Weight Loss Journey Start?

Dana Cutler Weight Loss Stats

What Diet Does Dana Cutler Follow?What’s Dana Cutler’s Workout Plan?Dana Cutler Weight Loss ResultsDana Cutler's Background


How Did Dana Cutler’s Weight Loss Journey Start?

Dana Cutler Weight Loss Transformation (Secrets Uncovered) (2)

Dana Cutler’s weight loss journey started after she was diagnosed with diabetes.

The diagnosis came as a shock, and Cutler was determined to lose weight and get healthy.

Dana’s weight loss journey began by making small changes to her diet and lifestyle.

During quarantine, she started working out at home with her husband, Keith Cutler, and cut out processed foods.

These changes helped her lose 30 lbs in a matter of weeks.

Dana Cutler Weight Loss Stats

  • Age: 55
  • Height: 5’ 7”
  • Starting Weight: 200 lbs
  • Total Weight Loss: 30 lbs

What Diet Does Dana Cutler Follow?

Dana Cutler Weight Loss Transformation (Secrets Uncovered) (3)

Through our practical knowledge and my personal journey, I've realized the transformative power of a clean diet.

Dana Cutler's emphasis on vegetables and whole foods mirrors the changes I made in my own diet, leading to better health.

Diet has a significant role in preserving appropriate blood sugar levels in patients with prediabetes, diabetes, or other disorders that affect blood sugar.

So, Dana Cutler crafted a healthy diet to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Besides eating plenty of veggies, another vital part of the plan is to cut back on red meat.

Dana believes red meat is one of the main sources of unhealthy saturated fat, and she recommends eating it only sparingly. Instead, eating lean protein sources such as chicken and fish is best.

Lastly, Dana Cutler includes a lot of fruit in her diet. She believes that fruit can help people feel full and satisfied after meals as it is packed with nutrients and fiber.

Similarly, research has shown that a high intake of fruits, fibers, and vegetables can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes [1].

“Type 2 diabetes is connected to insulin resistance, which is associated with fatty liver, heart disease, abnormal cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and even some types of cancer. So when we think about eating for diabetes, we also have to think about eating for heart disease prevention and cancer prevention.”

- Jill Weisenberger, Diabetes Nutrition Expert

What’s Dana Cutler’s Workout Plan?

Dana Cutler Weight Loss Transformation (Secrets Uncovered) (4)

Dana Cutler’s workout plan hasn’t been revealed. She has been exercising during the COVID-19 pandemic at her home located in Kansas City, Missouri.

She hasn’t spoken much about her routine, but she enjoys cardio exercises to lose weight like running on a treadmill.

Dana Cutler also does yoga to burn more fat and increase muscle mass.

Research shows those who take part in this activity have improved mood as well as reduced emotional eating – all of these factors can lead you towards achieving weight loss goals [2,3].

Whatever her workout routine exactly looks like, she was obviously committed to staying fit and healthy during quarantine and has continued doing so until today.

I also suggest to my clients to add a high-quality fat burner to their routine:

  • Top-Rated Fat Burner Supplements for Men
  • Top-Rated Fat Burner Supplements for Women

Dana Cutler Weight Loss Results

Dana Cutler pursued her weight loss journey with admirable dedication and commitment.

She revealed that she made many lifestyle changes, such as regularly eating healthier and exercising with her significant other, Keith Cutler.

These habits contributed to Dana Cutler’s weight loss of 30 lbs, taking her from 200 lbs down to a much healthier 170 lbs.

Her determination and results were incredibly inspiring for others who are trying to lose weight naturally without resorting to drastic diets or intense exercise routines.

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Dana Cutler's Background

Dana Cutler's background encompasses a diverse array of experiences. In her earlier years, she ventured into the world of modeling as a teen, showcasing her versatility.

Moreover, she gained recognition for her appearance on the popular television show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" alongside her husband, which marked a noteworthy milestone in her life.

Beyond her entertainment endeavors, Dana's professional identity extends to the legal realm, where she practices law, a testament to her intellectual prowess and commitment to justice.

Her multifaceted journey, from modeling to television appearances and a legal career, underscores her dynamic and accomplished life.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4718092/
  2. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/yoga-for-weight-loss-benefits-beyond-burning-calories-202112062650
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4995338/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4995338/

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About The Author

Dana Cutler Weight Loss Transformation (Secrets Uncovered) (5)

Lisa Lorraine Taylor, BSc, CPT

Staff Writer


Certifications: BSc in Sport & Exercise Science

Education: Clayton College of Natural Health

Lisa Lorraine Taylor is an author, Owner of Taylor Made Fitness is Certified Personal Trainer, Holistic Nutritionist, PN Level 1, Health Coach, University Instructor and Group Instructor.

Lisa's mission for over 25 years is to help others through all the misinformation and hype regarding weight loss and fitness, as well as to empower people of all ages to Live, Love and Learn how to move their bodies daily to help burn fat, build muscle, and develop lasting health, happiness, and confidence.

Dana Cutler Weight Loss Transformation (Secrets Uncovered) (2024)


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